Thursday, August 26, 2010

A Sign of Thing to Come!

One thing we think of when thinking of a company is their logo. So I though I’d shoot through some of my personal favourites, and first of the bat happens to be
The Penguin Books logo

It’s bold, simple a dash of colour to make it more interesting then the conventional black and white logo (Though it works well black and white all the same) and it’s varying line widths give each of those line character, and it almost contorts the shape of the oval adding further interest to the logo.
-The Logo was designed by Edward Preston Young

The NFB Logo (The seeing man)

Just a Simple Bold Image, that represents multiple things. The Logo is for the National Film Board of Canada, so it only makes sense that the logo would be of an eye or a person but both? That’s design genius my friend. Once again, it’s one of those logo’s that’s clean enough to work well in black and white, though the light green gives it a more harmonic natural look.
-The Logo was designed by Georges Beaupre.
The Original Apple logo

Ack! No, not that one

Yes, in my opinion this one just work so much better than the newer cleaner apple logo, simply Because of the colours. They simply scream both the 80’s and 90’s but also represent a sort of cheesy technology. The moment I see this logo I instantly think of a computer or TV. The new logo Simply Remind me of overpriced merchandise and burettes
-The Logo was designed by Rob Janoff.


  1. Mac getting the hype :) i dont see any PC logos lol

  2. I won't deny it, Windows has the lamest logo. Nothing particularly interesting about it. However this is a logo review, not a technology review, if it was, Macintosh would be getting slammed right now.
