Monday, December 6, 2010

Nothing but a Blip on the Screen!

An image from Sword and Sorcery from the SuperBrothers
In recent years there has been a boom in pixel art, with new video games still being made in this style, music videos and just general art, it’s becoming a big thing. But scientists are stumped as to why they’ve had a resurgence, but I have a theory!

Think you’re so clever don’t you!
Nostalgia, most of the kids who played the old pixelated video games that the style comes from have grown up.

They long for the old. We all do, hell the Victorian art movement was based solely on motifs of the old. Nostalgia is a strong feeling that make us love even the most stupid things. But this isn’t to say this art is bad, as the image at the top now shows, it’s moved from just being a limitation to a style all its own, that’s almost abstract and cubist. Wether or not the art remains popular needs to be seen

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