Monday, December 6, 2010

I A.M. Cassandre!

Cassandre is considered one of the most influential artists not only from the art deco movement, but as one of graphic designs most influential. Cassandre was trained in Paris as a painter, but made a name for him self in creating posters. One of his first posters called “The wood Cutter” won the “Exposition Internationale des Arts Décoratifs et Industriels Modernes”.

It also won the competition for most manly Poster

It also helped define the look of the Art Deco movement, with Cassandre being heavily influenced by Picasso and the cubist style, this gave the work a somewhat abstract simple motif. Soon everyone was all “I totally want a Cassandre poster” and Cassandre created some extremely iconic works during this period.

Note the simple shapes, and use of gradient created through the use of airbrush. Another motif present in this poster is it’s larger than life grandeur, art deco often glorified man made object as much as it could, making them part of the landscape.
Another of Cassandre’s contributions to graphic design was his use of typography, often creating his own fonts

But he also explored use of type as part of the image, which is considered one of his greater contributions

I assume it's about the dangers of electrical cords being jammed in your wrists.

When WWII struck, Cassandre was drafted and though he returned safely he had lost his firm. He eventually committed suicide with a letter of rejection found near the scene.

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