Monday, December 6, 2010

Two for the Price of One!

Let’s get this thing out of the way! I’ll review two animations in one post! Insanity you say!? I THINK NOT!

Crater Face from Skyler Page on Vimeo.

This animation works well visually because of it’s somewhat sketchy and cartoony style, which allows it room for visual gags that wouldn’t be quite as acceptable in a more realistic or formal style. Being sketchy would have also allowed for easier animation, but also gave it room to change the character designs a bit (like when the space man tears his suit off (HOT!), he becomes more realistic, this would have stood out like a sore thumb on a cartoon such as the Simpsons etc.

Bad Hair from nelson boles on Vimeo.

Speaking of sketchy styles, they don’t come any more sketchy than this baby here. I think the style here is what really helps give it its punch. The animator probably intended to add more and it probably could be a bit more fluid, but I think this is a testament to how, even with a cheap quick style a story or joke can shine through. No need to go all out and big budget 100% of the time. So get lazy people!

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